Testing the Science of Soulmates

Philosophers, psychologists and religions alike have been questioning the existence of soulmates for eternity but can they answer the question, do I have a soulmate? Here’s what the experts have to say.

Humans have made some incredible discoveries throughout our time on Earth, though one which no one truly seems to have a scientific answer to is: Do I have a soulmate? For those wondering whether soulmates truly exist or whether the concept itself is merely a myth, we will delve deep into the art of human intuition, spirituality, and the scientific realm of metaphysics as we attempt to answer this age-old question.

But first, what is a soulmate? Typically, it’s someone with whom you share a close personal bond and understanding, which can be either a platonic or romantic relationship. A soulmate is an esoteric connection between two souls which goes far deeper than a physical attraction to superficial appearances.

The metaphysical union of souls

When we immediately ‘click’ with a kindred spirit who has just stepped into our lives, it often feels as if we’ve known them for eternity. When someone shares our core values and beliefs about the world, and we feel an instant sense of ease and comfort in their presence, the relationship can almost seem written in the stars.

Human intuition is incredibly powerful. Never underestimate it. Sometimes we meet someone and instantly know that they’ll change our lives for the better. Our hearts race, our stomachs swarm with butterflies and the whole experience seems almost surreal. Ancient philosophers and the religious alike have repeatedly tried to make sense of the phenomenon of soulmates in metaphysical and spiritual terms.


Plato first theorized the concept of soulmates and the origins of love in the ‘Symposium’. He claimed that humans were originally androgynous with two sets of sexual organs, faces, hands, and legs. But the power of these monstrosities was so threatening that the Greek God Zeus decided to cut them in two.

The ensuing search for the ‘matching half’ to complete our severed soul is the crux of what we now consider a soulmate.


Buddhism and Hinduism, two of the world’s oldest religions, connect soulmates with the phenomenon of karma. In Buddhism, soulmates are the result of the reincarnation of the soul. When we feel an indescribable pull or gravitation towards another person that we’ve only just met, they might just share the same soul as someone we knew and loved in a past life.

Hindus believe that we share karmic connections with certain other souls, with ‘lehnu’ referring to the spiritual link you have with another person that was destined to help you lead a life that serves a higher purpose.

What do scientists say about the existence of soulmates?

Modern scientists are increasingly tapping into the metaphysical realm to discover if there are answers to timeless human questions such as, ‘do I have a soulmate?’ And the results are fascinating.

Existing on a singular level outside of classical physics, Quantum Physics is the study of the rules governing reality at a subatomic level. In this realm, strange and inexplicable states are possible – from objects moving back in time to photons being in more than one place simultaneously. But what has all this got to do with soulmates?

Are soulmates bound by quantum entanglement?

Some physicists believe that after the Big Bang, the once-singular particles became connected and entangled as they expanded outward into the universe. According to this theory, because particles cannot be destroyed, only transferred, these same entangled particles now make up you, me and everyone around us.

Our bodies, brains, and consciences are made up of particles that are still entangled with other beings. So, on a subatomic level, we must be connected to at least one other person. They could be currently roaming the world, have already died, or not even have been born yet. Whatever the case, it’s a compelling theory about soulmates and destiny.

Yet, whether our particles are entangled or not, true, deep human connection can never boil down to scientific fact. Instead, human intuition and instinct are the only things that should matter when considering if someone is the right fit for you. There doesn’t always have to be a gravitational force pulling two souls together. Soulmates can meet by chance anytime, anywhere – at work, in a bar, at a concert, or at your child’s school. Trust your intuition, and you’ll attract the perfect person for you when the time is ripe.

So has science proven the existence of soulmates?

While Quantum Entanglement suggests that particles are embedded in our very brains, it could also be argued our souls don’t reside there anyway. Instead, they incorporate a realm or dimension that science has little-to-no knowledge of.

From this perspective, finding your soulmate is an entirely intuitive and human process – far from abstract quantum physics, ancient Greek philosophy, and even religion. Arguably, soulmates exist solely from a subjective or personal lived experience.

The science of soulmate sketches

My work as a soulmate sketch artist is a science that’s wholly rooted in intuition and my trance connection with the infinite energy of the universe. Whether searching for your other half or happily settled with the love of your life, I’m here to help open other’s hearts to finding their soulmate. A surprisingly intimate experience, a sketch of your soulmate can lead to life-changing results.

Still asking yourself the question, Do I have a soulmate? Or how do you know you met your soulmate? Request a detailed sketch of your soulmate so when he or she does appear in your life, you’ll be ready to create a genuine connection.

Order your Soulmate Sketch