How to make sure you’re ready to meet your soulmate – Six solutions to help you meet your match

Meeting your soulmate is wonderful, but you want to make sure you’re in the right place emotionally to enjoy a healthy, loving relationship. Here’s how to ensure you’re ready for a relationship when love strikes.

Are you still searching for your soulmate, someone with which to enjoy and share your life? Before you give up hope of ever meeting them, there are a few things you can do to make sure that you’re truly ready to meet your match. 

It’s so important to understand how to maintain relationships in order to thrive, but it’s equally important to work on yourself so that you’re ready when you do meet that special someone. You may have even had a soulmate before, but it’s now time to meet someone special for the next chapter of your life.

Although we’re accustomed to the Disney princess “happily ever after” dream, we aren’t just limited to one soulmate. Rather, there are several soulmates out there for us in our lives and we’ll meet them just at the moment when we need them most. A soul mate doesn’t always mean a passionate relationship where sparks fly, but can also be a platonic friend or someone that teaches you an important life lesson at just the right moment.

Why do my relationships always fail?

There are a whole host of reasons why relationships fail, from mismatching personalities to different goals in life and everything in between. Blaming the other person is easy when a relationship comes to an end, but it’s often a good moment for a little self-reflection too. Maybe you’re behaving in an off-putting way without even realizing it. 

Do you find yourself trying to control the outcome of the relationship, or are you playing games to keep your partner interested? Are you moving too quickly too soon, or perhaps you’re too focussed on the relationship in general, that you’re not truly being yourself. By putting too much emphasis on how you want your relationship to be, you might well miss out on connecting with your true soulmate.   

Get ready to meet your soulmate

Although you may see your past relationships as failures, they’ve actually been important lessons to help you grow and develop as a person. By embracing these lessons and learning from them, you’ll be able to have a successful relationship in the future. These lessons aren’t limited to your relationships. We always have the opportunity to work on ourselves and grow. 

Off-putting behaviors to avoid so you can attract your soulmate

There are several things you can do to heal and improve yourself so that when the time comes to meet your soulmate, you won’t miss the opportunity to connect with them. Here are some behaviors to reflect on that can often be off-putting in a relationship, and some ways that you can grow from them:

Being needy

Although showing affection is important, if you go overboard the other person can often end up feeling smothered. You can make your partner feel overwhelmed if you’re always around giving and asking for attention.

Enjoy your own company. You can resolve this by giving your partner space and a chance to miss you. Creating your own space is important to help you become confident and independent in your own right. Spend time alone, go for a walk in nature, start a journal, learn to paint, or take a new class. You will feel happier and others will want to know how you got your glow.


By being jealous or controlling, you will likely put off any prospective love interest. Whether it’s played out in a game-like scenario to make your partner jealous, or manifests in controlling behavior, either way, you might miss the opportunity to find your soulmate.

Love yourself. Once again, give your partner space and start to build trust between you. The foundations of your relationship are the most important so don’t destroy it with game-playing and insecurities. Take some time to work on your self-esteem and love yourself. There’s no one else out there quite like you!

Not paying attention to detail

If you’re not checking in and noticing what’s going on with your partner, you risk making them feel that you’re not particularly interested in them and casting them aside. 

Be attentive. All it takes is noticing the little things, asking how your partner’s day’s been, giving a compliment, and giving a little appreciation.


No one likes to feel like they’re being stalked. It’s off-putting if someone is always checking up on you and trying to catch you out. 

Be mature. Once again, recognize your emotional response as an opportunity to work on improving the way you may be projecting your fears onto others. Why do you feel the need to check up on your partner (or potential partner)? Are there any red flags coming up that are putting you off? If you really don’t trust this person, then perhaps your intuition is actually telling you that this person isn’t the right one for you. 

Lacking ambition

There’s nothing more off-putting than someone that doesn’t have anything to say about themself. You don’t necessarily need to have a long list of goals to share with your potential love interest, but it’s exciting and interesting to share dreams and aspirations for the future. 

Take some time to think about what you want in life, where you want to go, and who you want to meet. It’s so important to bring your whole self into a relationship, so take some time to figure out who you are and where you want to spend your time.

Not communicating or connecting 

Good communication is an essential part of any relationship. If your communication is limited or in any way unclear, then you may be missing out on finding and connecting with your soul mate. 

All relationships have ups and downs, but good communication makes a difference when building a strong connection. This starts with listening when your partner is expressing their feelings or thoughts, rather than being distracted or just waiting to reply. At the same time, if you’re upset or worried about something, find a way to communicate it, rather than brushing it aside and hoping that your partner will be able to read your mind. 

How do I find my soulmate?

The best way for you to find your soulmate is not necessarily to actively seek them out. That may sound counter-productive, but don’t forget that you are destined to meet your soulmates, you just need to be ready to recognize them. 

Spend time getting to know yourself and understanding what you enjoy in life, rather than being distracted by trying to orchestrate the way in which you will meet your next soulmate so that when they do come along, you’ll be ready for them. 

While you’re working on yourself, a Soulmate Sketch can help you pick your next soulmate out of the crowd more easily. Although the sketch may not necessarily reveal your soulmate for life, even if your meeting is just fleeting, they will be there to teach you something or to help you grow into the person you’re supposed to be.