How to Follow Your Intuition and Let Your Inner Voice Guide You

Learning how to be intuitive takes some practice. But it is a powerful tool. Find out how you can tap into your intuition and find your soulmate.

Can you recall a time when you had a niggling feeling about a situation but you ignored it? That was your intuition trying to be heard. We each possess an intuition that is powerful and trustworthy, with the ability to guide us through challenging moments in our lives. We can all tap into it, but in order to access it, we need to spend some time learning how to follow our intuition.

We’ll explore ways to tune into intuition so that you can access and hear your intuitive voice more clearly, and learn to trust it.

Who can access their intuition?

Learning how to be intuitive isn’t just for the likes of robe-wearing monks meditating on a mountain top. It’s also used by well-paid professionals and leaders who rely on their intuition to make important business decisions every day. You can be wearing a power suit in a high-rise in the city and utilize the same intuitive powers as a spiritual guru! Anyone can learn to do it. 

Mind vs Intuition: what’s the difference?

Mind and intuition are two very different things. Our minds work to find problems and solve them, it’s a powerful and useful tool. However, relying too much on just our minds can leave us feeling worried, stressed, and confused. It’s a busy, chattering energy. Intuition on the other hand refers to our spirit and inner knowing. It leaves us feeling calm, trusting, and unhurried. It carries our inner wisdom and knows our potential. 

Be wary of confirmation bias when you’re using your mind, rather than intuition. This is when we make assumptions, or search for or interpret things in a way that confirms a pre-existing belief. Intuition is without thought. It is more similar to instinct but based on knowledge from experience. It usually goes hand in hand with a feeling of certainty and calm.

The challenge of expressing your intuition

One of the most challenging aspects of intuition is being able to clearly express our intuitive thoughts and emotions. We might get a feeling that we know when something is wrong or right, but we often have difficulty explaining why that is. We can’t nail the reason down to one specific thing. 

What happens when you don’t trust your intuition?

If you repeatedly ignore your intuition, you may well find yourself getting walked all over. Some common problems can come up if you continue to ignore your intuition, such as:

  1. People pleasing
  2. Trouble setting boundaries
  3. Not feeling a “spark” for life
  4. Difficulty interacting with others

All of these traits contribute to failing relationships with our soulmates. By not listening to our intuition, creating boundaries, and learning to say no, we end up doing all we can to keep the relationship, rather than honoring ourselves and being firm. That lack of firmness is often due to fear of being rejected or our soulmate leaving. 

Trusting intuition is falsely seen as taking a risk that we may regret when in fact the opposite is true. If we want to improve our relationships, we must learn to listen and trust our intuitive voice.

How to practice tuning in and listening to your intuition

When learning how to be intuitive, it’s important not to overthink. The opposite approach is actually required, trying to empty your mind and let go of thoughts, prejudice, and beliefs. Although it’s easy to say, it’s not always easy to do. Here are some ways that you can get in tune and surrender to your intuition:


Create space for your intuitive voice by meditating. Spend time in silence, concentrating on your breath, letting go of any thoughts that come up. It may take a while before your intuitive voice comes through, so keep creating space by practising regularly. 

Have some fun

Joy is one of the keys to accessing your intuition. Try a new hobby, take a class or dance around the kitchen. Spending time having fun and doing something you love will get you into a flow state, giving you access to your intuition.

Align with your values

Tap into how it feels when you’re aligned with your values and you’ll get a sense of how your intuition feels. Your intuition wants you to be as authentic as possible, so you’ll feel uncomfortable if you’re betraying your values.

Spend time in nature

Get away from technology and the constant chatter of the city. Stepping into nature slows us down, connecting us to the world around us and allowing us to more easily access our intuition.

Do something different

Escape the daily grind and make a change to your daily routine. This could be as simple as taking a different route to work, or visiting somewhere that you’ve never been to before. It’s hard to hear the quiet voices of intuition when you’re busy and stuck in a routine.

Once you’ve started to tap into your intuition, you’ll be more attuned to what’s going on around you, and more likely to know, when someone comes into your life, whether they are a soulmate or not.

Use your intuition to meet your next soulmate

Soulmate sketches can be an incredible, revealing way to identify that soulmate you are looking for. They may be someone already in your life, or someone you are yet to meet. Either way, it is a powerful tool to help you identify that person who is going to be so important in your life. 

Once you have your sketch, the rest is up to your intuition. How do you feel around them, do they make your soul soar and complement you as a person? When we know how to follow our intuition, we have the power to take opportunities such as soulmate sketches and let them lead us to the happiness and fulfilment we deserve. 

Order your soulmate sketch now