13 Different Types of Soulmates and How to Recognize Them

How do you know you met your soulmate? From romantic soulmates to twin flames, here are the different kinds of soulmates you could meet in this lifetime.

Did you know that not all soulmates are romantic partners? There are actually many different types of soulmates that we make throughout our lives. These can be strong connections that we make with our colleagues at work, or even friends we meet through doing activities and sports together. There are lots of different situations in which we might find soulmates. So how do you know you met your soulmate? 

Each has a different purpose and lessons to learn, and there are at least 13 different types. 

Our soulmates may come with similar personalities to us, or they may even be our complete opposite, and we may not even feel like we get along with them! Nevertheless, all of these connections have just as much value as romantic connections, which are the relationships more commonly associated with soulmates. Some may even be fleeting connections, but just as intense.

Passing Souls

Within our lifetime we’ll encounter long-term soulmates, together with passing souls, sometimes known as crossing souls. Passing souls meet fleetingly and can be any one of the 13 different types of soulmates, including romantic interludes.  

Like “two ships passing in the night” when people meet once or twice by chance for a short time, and then don’t see one another again, it doesn’t make the connection any less valuable. This can happen with friends, lovers, or colleagues with whom you can share amazing experiences for a while. There’s no need to mourn what could have been, but instead enjoy those experiences in the moment for what they are, knowing that they were meant to be. 

13 different types of soul mate

If you’re struggling to spot soulmate connection signs, then read on to find out about the 12 different kinds of soulmates. Take a look to see if you recognize yourself as one of these soulmates from the descriptions, or perhaps you have people in your life that fit the description.

1. Romantic soulmates

The most well-known form of soulmate, a romantic soulmate is someone you feel drawn to that inspires, challenges, or makes you feel safe. Romantic soulmates will often help you to confront your wounds or challenge you in some way. The relationship is often a chance to heal, learn, and grow together.

2. Soul teachers

These are people that enjoy sharing knowledge on different topics. They constantly learn from each other and this relationship can also present as someone who comes into your life with divine timing, such as a professor that encourages you to follow a certain career path or teaches you to think for yourself. 

3. Past life soulmates 

Having met in previous lifetimes, past life soulmate encounters are when two people meet again in the present and so are very drawn to each other. These tend to be particularly powerful connections and can result in explosive chemistry.

4. Twin flames

Twin flames derive from one soul that’s been split into two. This person makes you feel perfect and complete, just as you are. It’s an intense bond that lasts forever, even if you’re not always together. However powerful the connection, it’s worth remembering to avoid feeling like you need someone else to complete you.  Learn more about how you can identify your Twin Flame here.

5. Karmic soulmates

Karmic soulmates meet for a specific reason, helping each other to improve their karma and to learn and grow. They each encourage the other towards their highest potential both as individuals and on a spiritual level. They’ll often hold the lesson that one of them needs to learn, then move on. 

6. Kindred soulmates

Kindred soulmates have been connected in previous lives and will continue to connect until they learn what they need to. They’re drawn together through similar interests and often become close friends, or even lovers. They are often people that just get you, without much explanation as to why.

7. Soul families and soul groups

Several souls can be connected by family lines. This may come as real relatives or groups of individuals that are working towards similar objectives, but never actually meet, such as activists working towards a common cause. Sometimes one soul in a family group will seek to heal something in the family line, such as different negative behavior patterns, or addiction. 

8. Soul contracts

These are agreements made on a soul level to do a certain set of things in this lifetime. This might be to write a book, mentor someone, or even work or do business together. Knowing that you have a soul contract with someone or something is about learning to follow your intuition. 

9. Soul ties

This is when you feel like someone is in your life for a reason. They often show up when you’re busy living and make you stop in your tracks and make space for them in your life. The timing is usually significant, like meeting a potential business partner just as you were losing hope, or a new friend comes into your life and leads you towards something new.

10. Soul crossings

These are people that are two halves of the same soul but choose separate paths in life. They share a deep spiritual connection that goes beyond the physical, but they’re not meant to travel this life together. This is often someone that comes into your life but circumstances meant that the relationship or friendship couldn’t work out.

11. Platonic soulmates

Although they aren’t romantic soulmates or even twin flames, they share an unbreakable bond. These soulmates connect through activities like playing sports together or different hobbies. Don’t underestimate the importance of soulmate friends, they are there to nourish your soul.

12. Childhood soulmates

These are people that have been friends for a long time and share a bond that others can’t understand. Although they’ve likely known each other since they were little, they don’t need to be around each other all the time, but can leave and come back without breaking the bond.

Have you recognized anyone in your life that fits any of these descriptions?

Maybe several sound familiar and you’d like to delve in more, or maybe you can’t think of anyone, meaning perhaps someone is soon on the way.

13.  Moon Mate

A Moon Mate is someone who is most compatible with you based on your astrological make up.  This person is compatible based on your birth chart to find the compatibility patterns of who you should be with based on signs from the Universe.  It is the most accurate prediction you can receive of you who should really be with forever through Astrology.  Find out who your Moon Mate could be.

Find your next soulmate

By drawing you a soulmate sketch, I can help you to recognize someone that might already be in your life that could be one of the 12 soulmates mentioned above. It might even show up as someone that’s soon going to come into your life. You may find that the drawing represents your next romantic soulmate, or perhaps someone significant you’ll meet fleetingly but will recognize as a soulmate. With a sketch of that person, you’ll know that when you meet, it must be some kind of divine intervention, and they are there for a reason. 

Order a soul mate sketch