The Spiritual Guide to Making Big Decisions

Train yourself how to make life-changing decisions using your intuition and successfully recognizing your soulmate!

Meeting a soulmate can force us to contemplate making life-changing decisions, so how do we navigate the minefield of emotions that arise when a soulmate comes into our lives?

Is your ego ruling your life?

When it comes to making big decisions, knowing the right path can be challenging. Whether it’s to accept a new job, take a leap of faith on a business idea, or to date someone new, how do we make such a big decision without letting fear and anxiety get in the way? 

The secret is separating ego from intuition. Letting our inner knowing guide us, rather than our ego. But how do we know when we’re letting our ego make decisions? 

The ego is our sense of personal identity. It’s the part of us that wants to feel important and keep us safe from any harm. Once you know what to look out for, it’s easy to spot. The ego often shows up as an inner critic questioning our abilities and trying to keep us playing small. The ego doesn’t like to feel embarrassed and wants to keep us safe in our comfort zone, so prevents us from anything too risky. 

The ego may have you second-guessing your own abilities and running through all of the worst-case scenarios before you make a decision. If you feel anxiety or fear when making a decision, you can be sure that your ego is behind it. By making decisions with the ego, we often end up holding ourselves back from our true potential and end up regretting it later down the line. 

One thing to remember is that you are not your mind. This is an important step to separate yourself from your ego. When you realize that you are not everything you think, you will free yourself up and be able to more easily lean into your intuition. 

Be aware of the negative influences of modern life

The trappings of modern life such as the abundance of social media can affect the ego and heavily influence the choices we make in life. Think about how you feel any time you scroll through Instagram and see everyone living seemingly perfect lives. This can stir-up the ego and make us compare ourselves to perfectly curated and filtered social media feeds. It can encourage us to seek out attention to validate ourselves, feel jealous of others’ success, and even talk about other people’s imperfections. 


Overthinking is another product of the ego as it tries to protect itself by imagining all sorts of scenarios. These eventually become a complex web resulting in stress, worry, and confusion. You can spot signs of overthinking when you over analyze and run through all the worst case scenarios as you approach any decision making. This results in feelings of anxiety, fear, stress, or even anger.

Spotting signs of going in the wrong direction

When making big decisions, take a moment to notice how you feel. There are plenty of warning signs that your body sends you when you make ego-based decisions. 

If your decision is coming from a place of anxiety, you’ll have an increased heart rate, and shallow breathing, and you may even sweat, tremble, or feel tired and overwhelmed. Other signs that point to making a decision based on your ego are feeling tension in your muscles, often held in your shoulders, from overthinking, or feeling stressed about the decision. You may even develop a headache from the stress of overthinking. 

Letting your spirit rule life-changing decisions

There are several techniques you can use to prevent the ego from taking over when making big decisions in life. This allows a more natural, spiritual, decision-making process to occur.

Making decisions without ego isn’t accompanied by feelings of stress and anxiety. When making decisions with your intuition, you’ll have a clear feeling of knowing, without needing to question the outcome. 

The best way to connect with your intuition is to practice living your life in an authentic way. This means making time every day to check in with yourself and quieten your mind through practices such as meditation, yoga, or even just a mindful cup of tea or coffee by yourself in the morning. 

Set aside some time to have fun and do something just for you, and spend some time at the beginning or end of the day practicing gratitude. By spending time in nature regularly, you’ll also start to connect with your intuition. This doesn’t mean you need to head to a mountain retreat or remote forest. It could just be a stroll in the local park. The activity itself doesn’t matter. Find something that works for you and enables you to be alone with your thoughts.

These activities all help to encourage you to live mindfully in the present. The ego thrives in worrying about the past and future, so by focusing on living in the present, you’ll be able to start living more authentically and start making decisions that are right for you.

Is fate inevitable?

Making intuitive decisions rather than egotistical ones helps you to recognize your soulmate when the time comes to meet. Soulmates are fated to meet, but if you’re caught up in your ego and making decisions based on worries and fear, you may not recognize your soulmate, or may not see the value of your relationship with that person.

By learning to tap into your intuition and live authentically, you’ll be attuned to your inner knowing and will be guided to making the right decisions for yourself. 

Find your soulmate

Once you lean into your intuition, you’ll start to be led towards important relationships in your life. I can draw a soulmate sketch for you to help you recognize your soulmates once you’re guided to them.

The sketch may show up as someone already in your life, or it could even be the next romantic soulmate that’s about to show up in your life. It may even be someone that will pass through your life fleetingly, but will teach you something about yourself. With a sketch of that person in hand, you’ll be ready to recognize your soulmate while you allow your intuition to guide you towards them. 

Get in touch to order a soulmate sketch