10 Telltale Soulmate Connection Signs

Have I finally met the one? Here are our top tips for distinguishing between a fleeting lover and a soulmate.

“There are moments, when you’re getting to know someone, when you realize something deep and buried in you is deep and buried in them, too. It feels like meeting a stranger you’ve known your whole life.” – Leah Raeder

It can be difficult to differentiate between love and lust – especially in the throes of passion with someone we feel strongly connected to. However, there are some telltale soulmate connection signs we can look out for to distinguish between a fleeting lover and a lifelong soulmate. But first let’s clarify what is meant by having a soulmate?

A soulmate is someone with whom you share a close personal bond and understanding. While it can be a platonic or romantic relationship, what sets soulmates apart is the deep connection between two kindred souls.

We may have multiple soulmates in our lifetime, from platonic soulmates and twin flames to passing souls, fleeting relationships with individuals brought into this world to transform our lives for the better. And although our time together will be filled with moments of incomparable bliss, it may also come with its fair share of challenges. Ultimately, the very purpose of a soulmate relationship is to challenge us, make us step out of our comfort zones, and change the fabric of our lives.

How do you know you met your soulmate?

You’ve connected with someone new, the relationship is blossoming, and you’ve started asking yourself if maybe you’ve met a true soulmate. Someone sharing your soul energy – brought into this world with a similar purpose. But, how can you tell the difference between a surface relationship and the real deal?

Here are ten soulmate connection signs you can’t ignore.

Soulmate connection sign 1: Connection

You feel a strong, instant connection with the person. It feels like you know them already – as if you can understand each other entirely after just one meeting. While rare, these esoteric connections will catch you completely by surprise and leave you marveling at how you’ve come across a person whose thoughts align with yours in the world of nearly eight billion people.

Soulmate connection sign 2: Intensity

Your relationship has an intensity that science cannot explain. Whether romantic or not, it might seem as though you knew this person in a past life. Belief systems worldwide have tried to understand this unique, powerful synergy between strangers, with most pinning it down to the meeting of two reincarnated souls who shared close relationships in a past life (or lives).

Soulmate connection sign 3: Life Changes

An encounter with a true soulmate should bring about many life changes for both parties. Meeting them should transform your life perhaps dramatically, though ultimately for the best. Soulmates can bring out parts of your personality you never knew existed and provide the love and support you need to grow into the person you were meant to be.

Soulmate connection sign 4: Trust

The incomparable intensity of soulmate relationships encourages past abandonment, trust issues, and childhood traumas to bubble to the surface. But with the right support from your partner, you can build the necessary strength to face and overcome your inner demons, and grow into a stable, confident individual, secure in yourself and your relationships.

Soulmate connection sign 5: Strong Attraction

You feel an indescribable longing towards them, a strong attraction you can’t deny. But once a vital lesson has been learned, the attraction may start to change or fade entirely. Sometimes, soulmate relationships aren’t forever. Instead, their purpose is to teach us valuable lessons we need to master before meeting our forever soulmate down the line.

Soulmate connection sign 6: Hidden Talents

Connecting with your soulmate could help you discover new skills and talents you never knew you had, encouraging you to discover the true depths of your soul’s capabilities. Soulmates are a catalyst to genuine transformation, triggering deep spiritual, mental, and emotional work to help you both become a better version of yourselves.

Soulmate connection sign 7: Energy

Soulmate relationships sometimes enter the “on again-off again” cycle, as the energy between you is too strong for either of you to cope. Less stable-minded individuals, or ones with varying attachment issues or unresolved problems from the past, could fear or be in denial about the strength of your connection, thus running away from the relationship. 

Soulmate connection sign 8: Truth

Your connection seems almost written in the stars! You meet or exit each other’s lives in fated circumstances, having changed or altered your life path for the better. The universe works in mysterious ways, so keep your heart and mind open to possibility. After all, a soulmate connection can appear in the most unexpected circumstances.

Soulmate connection sign 9: Higher Purpose

Your connection feels bigger than human possibility. It is as if you are both working towards a higher purpose, challenging each other to be the best version of yourselves. Whether spirituality or science, something greater than ourselves must cause two soul energies to naturally attract each other and create life-changing magical bonds that alter their future life paths.

Soulmate connection sign 10: Syncing

Your emotional connection is unparalleled. You’re intensely in tune with their feelings, almost in sync. Their joy and pain seem imprinted on your heart – as if you share a soul. From finishing each other’s sentences to being able to decode each other’s body language in an instant, soulmate relationships share a telepathic connection that can’t be described.

Gain clarity with a soulmate sketch

Are you still asking yourself the question: how do you know you met your soulmate? The truth is, no blog can give you the right answer. Trusting your intuition is the only real way to know if you have connected with your soulmate. However, a hand-drawn soulmate sketch could help you narrow down your search. 

Transformative soul mate sketches can guide you towards the twin soul of your dreams, or help you recognize a passing soul bought into your life to help guide you on your spiritual journey. 

Whether you immediately recognize the person or can’t quite place them, a detailed soulmate sketch will help you be prepared to love with an open heart once you start noticing some of the ten soulmate connection signs above.

Order your detailed soulmate sketch