The Most Hidden Secret of Zodiac Signs (Each One Listed)

How well do you really know yourself and are you keeping anything a secret?  Most of the time you learn about yourself through others especially a partner or someone you are with romantically, but we may be keeping that deepest secret from everyone including them.

You might read all about your  Zodiac Sign to give you clues about how your personality is and what your interests or key motivators may be. But is this really that accurate?

Turns out through the power of Astrology, many times 30% of everyone believe that it is true, accurate, and real.  In numbers, that is about 20 million+ people just in the United States that believe in their own Zodiac Sign, so yes its powerful.

Each Zodiac sign is very personal to you because your Horoscope Chart is based exactly on your date, time, and place of birth.  It also includes your Rising Sun and Moon interpretations describing what they mean. along with the other planet placements at the exact moment you were born.

Will you be able to relate to these most deepest kept secrets based on your zodiac sign?

Pisces Most Hidden Secret: Heart Breakers

Pisces are some of the most sweet individuals however they are super sensitive and if there is anything that someone might do to play games with them or hurt them just one time, be careful because they are running from you for the hills.  Cry a little, cry a lot, Pisces will break your heart.

Aquarians Most Hidden Secret: Basic Wins

They are the most rebellious on trendy items or fancy clothing.  They would rather go basic and wear a graphic tee and leggings any day of the week instead of getting all fancy.

Capricorns Most Hidden Secret: Naughty

They keep a lot of their dirty little secrets to themselves, however if you are in their inner circle or with this person you need to get into their mind and find out exactly what they are thinking when they aren’t speaking.  Once they’ve opened up the can of worms, watch out, it can get nasty…

Sagittarius Most Hidden Secret: Book Smart

A book work or nerd, but super smart.  They pick up the latest trending magazine or news to keep up with what is going on and they love documentaries so they can know and talk about non useful facts at the next party or gathering.

Scorpios Most Hidden Secret: Super Sensitive

They spend lonely nights crying in their bedroom for hours watching re-runs of Netflix dramas.  They put so much effort and time into a relationship, but when it doesn’t work out, they cry forever thinking it might have been their fault.

Libras Most Hidden Secret: Overwhelmed

They are mostly hard working and people after the shiny object syndrome hoping for more and a better life.  Although they are experienced with tough decisions everyday, they just can’t make up their mind on which direction they want to go whether its in their personal life, career, or love life.  Its a feeling of being indecisive as a result.

Virgos Most Hidden Secret: Dismantled

Organization does not exist with Virgos, but they do try to hide it as best they can.  They are known for trying so hard to be neat and tidy, but sometimes just not being able to find the time will force them to shove the dirty laundry, piles of nonsense things, and other items into the closet.

Leos Most Hidden Secret: Center of Attention

They like being in the spotlight or having a platform to either tell a story, show off their cool looks, or just being noticed by anyone that is watching.  They seek attention and may have insecurities though that keep them from becoming better at their confidence.

Cancers Most Hidden Secret: Orchestrators

They love to care for their friends when going through rough times and will often try to be the party planner or organize the next adult trip to Mexico.  They want to control everything and be in charge.

Geminis Most Hidden Secret: Crowd Pleasers

They are the socialites and love to mix and mingle with their friends or even strangers at the bar because they have a little spunk to them.  Often times they are naturally beautiful in their craft whether its physically or the way they present themselves with confidence in social circles.

Taurus Most Hidden Secret: Worriers

Taurus people like to think about things too much that turn into worries that most of the time never happen to begin with.  They always are judging themselves the wrong way.  Most of the time they find themselves trying to fit in with their inner circle or group of friends but its not the person they really are.

Aries Most Hidden Secret: Judgmental

The truth about Aries is that they are so insecure, they will be the judge of others so that they aren’t the ones being talked about or judged.  They also like to second guess themselves quite a lot actually because they fear failure.