The Smartest Zodiac Signs for 2023

Everybody enjoys a lively conversation with a smart person. You can always glean new insights from talking to someone intelligent. 

Whether you’re looking for a new friend, a partner, or a business associate, cleverness and wit are always something to look out for. The Sun sign of a person can be a tell-tale sign of intelligence. So next time you’re out there meeting people, make a point to ask what their birthday is. Their Zodiac can tell you a lot about their personality.

Here is a list of the top 5 smartest signs in the Zodiac. Read on to find out which sign is the most clever.  

Honorary Mention: Capricorn

The goat is more well-known for their work ethic than their brains. However, they have a few things going on for them that make them smart. 

First off is the work ethic itself. There are a lot of intellectuals out there who struggle to sit down and read, write, or study. Not Capricorn. Capricorn can take a mediocre brain and turn it into brain surgeon material. There’s nothing sexier than a person with a well-formed opinion that took years of reading and studying to form.

The least well-known side of Capricorn is their grasp of time. The goat has a great sense of timing. They have a great appreciation for both the past and the present. A lot of the brainy types can lose sight of the present or lack a sense of where they and their culture come from. Not Capricorn. The goat always has their feet firmly planted on the ground, even in the world of abstract concepts and ideas. They can easily explain the most abstract of concepts by finding real-life examples in everyday occurrences. This also means that they never neglect the historical context of whatever they are studying. The past helps to shape the present, after all.

Another point that needs to be made is that Capricorn isn’t a perfectionist. This may seem like a drawback to intelligence, but it isn’t. “Done is better than perfect” is one of the goat’s mottos. This allows them to keep reading up on a subject even if they haven’t mastered it yet. This persistence actually allows them to master more subjects in depth over time than other Zodiac signs who would rather not waste their valuable time on a subject they don’t have the time to be experts on. 

Last but not least, Capricorn has the gift of knowing when to remain silent. They admit it when they don’t know something. This makes them smarter because, when they do speak up, you can be sure they know what they’re talking about. Nobody likes a charlatan!     

5. Cancer

This is a bit of a dark horse. The crab is better known for their moodiness and emotions, after all! However, they have more of a brainy side than you’d think. Their most valuable brainy gift is their impeccable memory. Cancer rules the past and history. You can be sure that, when a subject captures their heart, they’ll soak up the facts and figures like sponges, especially those related to how a person, thing, or situation got to be the way they are.

Plus, intuition can make for a smarter person. The crab possesses intuition in spades. Leave it to a Cancer to just “know” when there’s something else to a subject that isn’t easily perceived. 

Cancer is the most grounded of the Water signs, so you can be sure they’ll take tangible steps to solve the intellectual puzzle in front of them in ways that don’t neglect the essence of the question. This is the case even if the answer itself seems impossible to grasp at first.

Their intuition is also what helps the crab apply their intelligence to interpersonal relationships. Cancer longs to know the brain of those they love like the back of their hands. They know when to stand back and listen instead of trying to come up with something clever to say. This helps their intelligence be informed by others. Thus, the crab ends up forming a viewpoint that wouldn’t be possible if they only listened to themselves talk. 

4. Aquarius

The sign of the water bearer is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. Aquarians share Saturn as a ruler with Capricorn, which means they share their understanding of both the current times and the past. 

However, due to the influence of Uranus, Aquarius is also capable of a futuristic approach that other Zodiac signs can only dream of. Aquarius is the intellectual dreamer.

Aquarius also embraces the weird and the eccentric. This is the Zodiac sign you go to when you need an idea that’s completely out of the box. It’s also the sign you turn to when you need someone who considers the weird and the countercultural. Sometimes, this is the only place where you can find the kind of idea you need to move a project forward. Or the only friend you can turn to for a fresh perspective.

Aquarius also has a rather poor reputation when it comes to their detached natures. However, this cold, unfeeling nature has wonderful implications for the more brainy side of these natives. It means that they are always able to look at a situation with the eyes of an outsider. This allows them to focus on details that would otherwise get lost.    

3. Gemini

Gemini has earned its reputation among the smartest signs of the Zodiac. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, Gemini natives are witty and can easily think on their feet. They are the quickest of the Zodiac when it comes to brains. They understand new concepts with the speed of lightning. Plus, they can easily make associations with what they already know. Just seeing a Gemini think and form new concepts live is something else.

The fact that they are an Air sign makes them social and friendly as well. This adds to their charm because they easily socialize how clever they are. It doesn’t matter how intellectual they are, they never take themselves too seriously. They always make space for a chat. They understand they can only get more intelligent by interacting with others. Plus, they invest a lot of their brain power into being funny.

As a Mutable sign, Gemini is always moving from one place to the next. In the intellectual realm, this means that they end up knowing a bit of everything rather than being an expert on just one or two subjects. They are the Jacks and Janes of all trades (but masters of none). This makes them more interesting in social contexts, as they can talk to someone about everything from plane models to 16th-century visual art.  

2. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the college professor of the Zodiac, even when they aren’t literally college professors. Once a topic captures their fancy, they become professional finders of truths. 

Something unique about the archer is that they focus on meaning and purpose. They are always asking themselves “why,” which helps them reach amazing conclusions that other brainiacs of the Zodiac would have a harder time reaching.

Sagittarius shares with its complementary opposite, Gemini, the wonderful gift of not taking themselves too seriously. This means they often apply their unique intelligence to being hilarious. They always have a witty comeback or even a sarcastic, more high-brow remark about the overall meaning and purpose of something. 

As the brainy Fire sign, Sagittarius also brings a lot of passion to the table. It’s a pleasure to see the archer speak. Their faces light up. Their discourse gets more and more heated the more you let them speak. This makes them very convincing. Overall, this makes their love of knowledge contagious.   

Smartest Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Leave it to a Virgo to silently and quickly observe all the facts and figures available. They won’t neglect a single detail. They’ll finally surprise you with an infallible solution to each and every single one of your problems. 

Just like Capricorn, Virgo natives won’t speak until they are sure they master a topic, so you know they are right once they decide to share their analysis with you.

Unlike Capricorn, though, Virgo is ruled by Mercury. This gives a brainy tint to the Earth element. Virgo is able to stay in the tangible world and observe things “as they are” with a detached perspective that doesn’t neglect abstract concepts. This endows them with a unique sort of intelligence that’s equal parts practical and abstract.

The best thing about Virgo is their modesty, though. Unlike other Zodiac signs on this list, Virgo won’t let their own ego get in the way of thinking of the perfect solution. They also don’t want to make others feel dumb. They often downplay their intelligence. It’s still there if you listen to them, though. But it’s often subtle. 

Did we miss a Zodiac sign? Tell us in the comments!