What is an Aura Reading and How Can You Benefit from Having One?

What is an Aura?

Known by many different names in many cultures (for example, life force or chi), your aura is your energy field. It is believed that every living thing has its own aura, and while most people don’t see auras regularly, it isn’t unusual to feel one. That “vibe” you get from the person you just met? Or when you feel comfortable, stressed or energized by a person’s presence? That’s their aura, their energy, touching you and being received by your aura. 

There are seven aura planes: the physical, emotional, mental, astral body, etheric, celestial, and causal, each serving a different purpose. Each plane exists in a layer on top of the other, and together this field reaches about 3 feet or 1 meter around each person. 

Auras hold the charge of colors, which follow the energy of each chakra. For example, a red aura holds the energy of the root chakra. The shade of red present can indicate anything from grounded energy to passion or anger; all themes associated with the root chakra. 

What is an Aura Reading?

An aura reading is done when someone with the ability to see or sense auras relays the colors of your aura to you and tells you what they mean. People who can read auras possess the knowledge and divination skills to “tune in” to your energy field, reading the language of the colors they see and where they see them. While no one’s aura remains the same throughout their lives, different layers of their aura give a reader information on personality, current circumstances and emotional states. This information can then be used by the client to learn about themselves, discover wounds or energetic blockages and even identify an illness.

What are the Benefits of an Aura Reading?

But how do you feel, really?

In this fast-paced world, getting caught up in stimuli is so easy that we lose track of what we want and feel. An aura reading allows us to identify what we are feeling deeply, no matter how much we have tried to suppress our emotions. It is also a good chance for us to honor our experience. When we forget to be present, or kind to ourselves, an aura reading can be a perfect way to check in with ourselves and be intentional and honest while directing our attention inwards.

Know yourself.

Another symptom of everyday life is the blurring between who we are at our core, and who we have been conditioned into. Our experiences, memories, traumas, relationships and expectations are just some of the factors that shape us into whom we present to the world, and it can be easy to forget the very essence of who we are. An aura reading can be revealing, validating and a fantastic reminder when we are shown what energy is uniquely ours. Under all the commotion of life, our emotions and experiences, we each carry a unique spirit waiting to be uncovered.

Diagnosis, please

One of the more practical benefits of having an aura reading is the sheer amount of information available about your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical state. Aura readers frequently identify emotional blockages, unhealed wounds, hidden illnesses and spiritual meaning, all of which can help you become healthier, happier and more enlightened. 

Whether you’re looking for further insights into yourself, need help identifying a problem or you’re just curious, an aura reading is a wonderful way to connect with the spiritual realm, the energy surrounding you, and most importantly, yourself.